Education and Teaching Seminar
So as to win the overall victory of the work in graduating classes, at midday on 23rd November, all the teachers from the 9th grade gathered together and attended the periodical education teaching seminar for the 2019 graduating classes with the theme of ‘Full Cooperation, Harmonious Development, Solid Foundation and Expansion of Excellence’. The conference was presided over by Mr. Lu Dan, Principal Assistant& Director of the Junior High Department.
First of all, Principal Assistant Lu Dan proceeded detailed analysis concerning the 2019 Senior High School Entrance Exam situation in four aspects as follows: faculty allocation, summary and score analysis of the 2018 Senior High School Entrance Examination, comparison of exam results in the same period regarding the graduating classes in 2018 and 2019 as well as the educational teaching management in graduating classes, which made clear the exam objectives for this year’s 9th-grade graduating classes.
Second of all, Principal Assistant Lu Dan stressed that all the teachers from Grade 9 should unite the thoughts, set clear objectives, solidify cooperation and adopt effective measures to expand the scope of excellence, reinforce competitiveness, coordinate development in all aspects to assist and contribute to the 2019 Senior High School Entrance Examination and compose a new colorful chapter together.
In conclusion, this conference was pragmatic and efficient, which not only accurately diagnosed the education and teaching in the early stage of the graduating classes, but also clarified the striving direction in the later phase. We firmly believe that we will create another glory under the care of the department leaders and in the efforts of all the teachers!
